
(Update of a previous post – original is here.  Underlined bits are new, the rest is copied/pasted)

Title: Moon
Year: 2009
Length: 97 minutes
Director: Duncan Jones [aka Zowie Bowie]
Writer: Nathan Parker, story by Duncan Jones
Starring: Sam Rockwell, Kevin Spacey
Music: Clint Mansell

My reaction
Synopsis: a man is stationed alone on the moon for three years
How I saw it: in the theater, September 2009; on video (have on DVD), yesterday
Concept: Great. My synopsis doesn’t really hint at the concept, but it would be a huge spoiler to say more.
Story: Great. Absolutely amazing writing. Avoids cliches and expectations like nobody’s business.
Characters: Great. HAL 9000 has nothing on “Gerty.”
Dialog: Great.
Pacing: Great.
Cinematography: Good.
Special effects/design: Great.
Acting: Great.
Music: Great.  Strange, I wasn’t all that impressed with the music the first time I saw it, but it is a great score.  Yesterday, as soon as the DVD menu came up, the music made me giddy with excitement to watch the movie.
Subjective Rating: 10/10 (Favorite of my favorites). Besides being an amazing film, it’s also one of only about a dozen “science fiction movies” ever made that’s actually science fiction.  In the few months since I saw it, I’d forgotten just how great this movie is.  I can’t figure why I only gave it a 9/10 before.
Objective Rating: 3.9/4 (Great).

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